En esta Unidad se conocerá la estructura gramatical de la Oración, descomponiéndola y conociendo la frase Nominal Y verbal al igual que sus Núcleos.
How big a threat are rising prices?
Feb 8th 2011, 16:35 by R.A. | WASHINGTON

Their responses indicate that there are no easy choices. Eswar Prasad writes that in the short term central banks should ignore volatile food price moves and in the long term structural supply increases are necessary, but:
This clear-cut answer is clearly not politically tenable in emerging market economies. Moreover, it turns out that the traditional analytical answer is overturned when one accounts for key features of emerging markets. A substantial fraction of households in emerging markets do not have access to formal finance, and they spend a major share of their household expenditures on food (and fuel). Hence, changes in food and fuel prices have substantial effects on the consumption decisions of these households. Since expenditure on food in total household expenditure is high, and demand for food is relatively inelastic, households in these economies factor in food price inflation while bargaining over wages. Through this channel, food price inflation may feed into inflation expectations. Thus, in emerging markets even inflation expectation-targeting central banks have to be concerned about food price inflation. As my recent research with Rahul Anand shows, central banks can stabilise the business cycle and improve average levels of economic welfare by targeting headline CPI inflation rather than core CPI inflation...
Selecciona tres oraciones e indica:
– Frase nominal, pre y post modificadores y núcleo
– Frase verbal, núcleo
– Tiempo verbal de la oración
1. IN 2007 and 2008, before the world was swept by financial panic, the biggest global economic threat appeared to be a sharp and sustained rise in commodity prices.
· Frase Nominal y pre-modificadores Nucleo F.N
· Frase Verbal Nucleo F.V
Tiempo Verbal de la Oración: voz pasiva Pasado (WAS)
· Frase Nominal y pre-modificadores Nucleo F.N
· Frase Verbal Nucleo F.V
Tiempo Verbal de la Oración: Presente Simple (ARGUES)
3. A substantial fraction of households in emerging markets do not have access to formal finance, and they spend a major share of their household expenditures on food (and fuel).
· Frase Nominal y pre-modificadores Nucleo F.N
· Frase Verbal Nucleo F.V
Tiempo Verbal de la Oración: Presente Simple (do not have)
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